Electronic Donation

Your generous contribution can make a meaningful difference – donate today and help change lives for the better.


Thank you for considering donating to us! Here you will find a list of some of our priority needs. Please note that while these items are a priority, we are always grateful for any donations and will gladly accept other items as well. Your generosity helps us continue to make a positive impact in the community.

Priority Needs


Donations FAQs

What clothing donations are accepted?

We do not accept dress clothes, but we otherwise accept mostly any clothing so long as it’s in good condition and not stained. This includes weather-based clothing and footwear.

What other donations are accepted?

We are always in need of personal items such as hygiene products (shampoo, bodywash, etc.), household items (laundry detergent, dish soap, etc.), and the like.

What food donations are accepted?

We accept a large variety of clothing from canned/boxed goods to even fresh produce. We sometimes accept expired food depending on the condition of the food, though we would prefer that non-expired goods.

Where are donations dropped off?

If the donation is small, you may bring it in the front door and down the left staircase to the office. If you need help bringing in a donation, you may park by the ramp in our parking lot and give us a call so that we can come out and help you carry your donation in.

What furniture donations are accepted?

We accept mattresses, boxsprings, frames, couches, chairs, dressers, nightstands, tables, lamps, and some other furniture depending.

Don’t see your question?

Contact Us for any specific inquiries or additional questions.